Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Marvel, Disney And The $1.99 Comic Book http://www.bleedingcool.com/2009/09/10/marvel-disney-and-the-1-99-comic-book/

Marvel, Disney And The $1.99 Comic Book

Submitted by admin on September 10, 2009 – 9:00 am (93) comments
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"Remember these days?"
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Marvel publishing makes millions.
Marvel films and related licensing can, over time, make billions.
Marvel films’ success are based, in part, by the good feeling towards their comics, the media buy in of the fans buzz, the A-list actors willing to take lower salaries to be in something cool, the genuine enthusiast experience that is infectious to the mass market.
If the comics get too expensive, the casual fans may drift away. Marvel may make more money at a higher price point, but with less readers, and less buzz. Which, eventually, may impact on the movies and licensing.
However, what if Disney was preemptive? What if Disney want to do something that makes a big impact on the comics business. It may make less money, it may cost them in instant revenue, but it also may reignite the kind of buzz that will help the slew of Marvel and Marvel-related films and merchandise.
What if the comics, rather than creeping towards the $3.99 price, suddenly dropped. To $1.99. Across the board.  Sales would rocket, market share would soar, other publishers would be squeezed off the shelves, plastic rings or no plastic rings,  comics revenue would fall. But buzz would increase, increase, increase.
It might even just save the direct market. Or it might doom it, if certain retailers have become used to the $3.99 price point. Volume might help though…
Naturally such a publisher would need deep pockets to do this on a mass scale.
Oh, it’s Disney.
Lose a million, make a billion. This is not just speculation, I understand it is seriously being discussed at the publisher right now.
And suddenly Vampirella and Fell won’t seem that special…
And it might just make Marvel’s reluctance to go below $1.99 for digital downloads of single issues moot, and see them support the 99 cent model rapidly becoming the norm…

he Ten Questions Marvel And Disney Have To Answer

Submitted by admin on August 31, 2009 – 4:01 pm (70) comments
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mmiI say “have to”. They don’t have to do anything of the sort, of course. But it would be nice.
1. The Boom Studio Question. Recently Boom Studios entered a licensing agreement with Disney, initially publishing a line of Pixar-based titles such as Cars, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles and Monsters, Inc, as well as comics based on The Muppet Show. They then took the rights from Gemstone to the Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck line of titles. This would feel like a direct contradiction in the marketplace, for Marvel not to publish these comics now. However, Marvel do license their material to foreign publishers, and their characters to Del Ray’s manga line. So which way will this fall? And where will their Kingdom Comics proposed line end up?
2. The Diamond Book Distribution Question. Diamond distribute a great deal of Marvel’s trade paperback and hardcover line to bookstores worldwide. However Disney have their own publishers who use Harper Collins. If Marvel switch, this could have a severe affect at Diamond which, in turn, could affect the viability of the current direct market. Would Marvel risk such an impact to align its methods with Disney?
3. The Content Question. Joe Quesada points to the Pixar/Disney buyout which saw Pixar join the board of Disney and gave great autonomy to the computer animation studio. Pixar however generally makes content with a younger audience in mind, Marvel often goes to the extremes of mainstream comics with the likes of and Punisher, Dakota North and Kick Ass – with both extreme violence, nudity and the F and C words being sprinkled liberally. Disney distributes many other movies with similar content issues. But will the comics aspect be a sticking point with someone at Disney, unable to disassociate the message from the form? And with Disney’s long experience with movies, will interference occur not so much in the comics, but in the movies?
Spider-Mickey: Noir
4. The Market Imbalance Question. Given the resources of Disney, will Marvel be able to swing the market to far in their favour. Already the number one publisher, will they be able to squeeze competitors out of business? Will they take too large a slice of the cake? And given the publisher’s relative narrow content spread, will this further reduce the diversity of the artform as a whole? Or will the influx of money and the backing of a multimedia conglomerate enable to company to experiment further, wilder and wonderfully?
5. The Valuation Questions. Is Marvel worth it? Market analysts tell me that they believe price quoted is too high, well above traditional valuations based on revenue and profits. The worry is that, as happened with Ron Perelman’s purchase of Marvel, that expectations and need for profit will exceed the ability of the company to match them, leading to attempts to create short term gain even if it leads to long term loss. Ah bollocks, the Mouse can afford it. Apparently they overpaid for Pixar. And that worked out.
6. The Boycott Question. Disney is a beacon for protests and boycotts. One part of the company offends a customer, suddenly all parts are affected. How will Marvel cope with a boycott over a Disneyland ride – and more importantly, how will Disney as a whole react to a boycott over gay people in X-Men (probably quite well, given form), or, well, since we’re going there, scenes of child rape in Marvelman (ah, that might be a different matter)? The Disney ownership could bring a greater scrutiny of Marvel’s output than ever before by the people who like to get offended.
7. The Theme Park Question. What about the Hulk and Spider-Man themepark rides at Universal Studios? Tolerated for the length of the contract then shut down? Any chance of them being moved pipe by pipe to Disneyland?
8. Will this affect Howard The Duck for the better?
9. Who is stronger, Mr Incredible or The Hulk?
10. Any chance Marvel will be giving Promotional Purity Rings away with Jonas Brothers comics?
Sorry, I ran out of sensible questions, but I’d already written the title of this piece. So what questions do you have?
UPDATE: A damn fine question from AlwaysOptimistic in the comments – what abouit CrossGen? Bought by Disney to basically get the rights to Abadazad, it’s a fantasy comic universe with an existing fanbase and now, well, accessible to Marvel…

VIDEO: The DC Super-Heroes Pop Up Book

Submitted by Rich Johnston on October 4, 2010 – 4:46 pm (8) comments
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THat’s right folks it’s the DC Super Heroes Ultimate Pop-Up Book. Featuring work by Bernard Chang, Scott McDaniel, Aaron Lopresti, Shawn Moll, Freddie E Williams II and Andy Smith, all popped up by Matthew Reinhart – and thanks a lot to the Hachette person who thought I needed a copy. I did. Here, have a peep at all the pop-up-ness. Then go order your copy
Apparently this is for ages 3 and up. No chance. No chance. Give this to a three year old is like giving them iPods made of sugar glass. My kids can watch while I turn the pages…


Hot Comics – The Speculator Club

Hot Comics – The Fifty Dollar Club

Submitted by admin on February 10, 2010 – 11:00 am (23) comments
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Here are seventeen recently published comic books that are currently breaking the $50 barrier based on actual reported sales. No CGC, no chase variant covers, no signed editions, no hardcovers or out-of-print collections, just the bare bones of your standard floppy comic book. Do you have any of these in your collection? If so… how long will they stay in your collection?
The Walking Dead#1 by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore. Original price $2.99. Current market price: $252.49. With the AMC TV series on the way, can this actually get any hotter? It seems inconceivable but it’s very possible. back in July this book was selling for $150.
Elseworlds Eighty Page Giant #1. original price $4.95. Current market price $234.50. Pulped by DC Comics, except for copies that made it to the UK, I bought thirty of these when they first came out and managed to sell them all from anywhere between $30 and $200, funding a bathroom and a honeymoon. It’s still a very desirable item, even if the central piece, the Kyle Baker Superbaby story has been reprinted elsewhere. The Ty Templeton Adam West And Eve splash hasn’t…
On Raven’s Wing#1 $212. Gerard Way’s comic book profile thanks to Umbrella Academy has shone new light on this pre-Chemical Romance series from Boneyard Press. The second issue also goes for around $35.
Amazing Spider-Man#300. Original price $1.50. Current market price $119.38. Now this is odd. Despite a fading of Todd McFarlane’s star, and the reduction in Venom appeal since Spider-Man 3, this book is still outperforming. Does anyone have an explanation? Also, the misprinted all-white Amazing Spider-Man #400 is suddenly selling for over $100 in some places.
The Walking Dead #2 – $83. Another jump in price here, not as dramatic as issue #1, but this is the zombie book that spinning the market in its grave.
New Mutants #98 – $79. The first appearance of Deadpool by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld. This bucks the trend of most valuable recent comics in that a million or so copies were initially printed – yet it’s still very valuable indeed. And a Deadpool movie on the way. This is the most valuable comic that’s most likely to be in your longboxes. Sell them before everyone realises.
GI Joe Special #1. Original price $1.50 $77.50. The Todd McFarlane comic that Marvel refused to print and got another artist to draw instead – then printed a few years later when Todd suddenly got all hot and Marvel realised they had a complete Todd issue in the bottom drawer…
GI Joe #155. $77.50. The final issue of GI Joe. Underordered by retailers who believed that no one would want the final issue of a cancelled comic. Yup.
Chew #1 $70. Six months ago this was just a $50 book. It’s growing. If a movie/TV deal is announced it will rocket. Place your bets…
NYX#3 $61 The first appearance of X-23, a young female Wolverine clone who is now firmly entrenched in the Marvel Universe and the Xbooks.
Grimm Fairy Tales #2 $61. Like Vertigo’s Fables, but with tits. And getting much higher prices as well.
Transformers #80 $60. The last issue of Transformers from Marvel. See GI Joe #155
Bojeffries Terror Tome $55. Okay, this is an interesting one. A couple of years ago, Dave Elliott and Garry Leach began republishing the oft-abandoned third Alan Moore creation from Warrior Magazine. By Moore and Steve Parkhouse, this very British take on the Munsters/Addams Family concept, The Bojeffries Saga – collecting old stories and added some new material. And no bugger ordered it. As a result the subsequent two issues were never published…
Rubber Blanket#2 $51.55. Blame this on the amazing success of Mazzuchelli’s Asterois Polyp graphic novel. It has revitalised demand for his work – which means the rarer second print of Rubber Blanket rockets.
Grimm Fairy Tales #1 $51.50. Fables. With tits. Less rare first issue, but still.
Johnny The Homicidal Maniac$50.99. The Slave Labor comic book that still sells and sells and sells, transferring from a goth audience to an emo audience, each discovering it afresh every year. And more and more people wanting that treasured first print.
Sonic The Hedgehog #3 $50. Licensed comics with a lower print run. What are you going to do?

Speculator Corner: Paul Cornell’s Action Comics

Submitted by Rich Johnston on October 5, 2010 – 6:00 am (3) comments
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This is a dangerous game. Speculating on new comic books that haven’t gone up in price, just in case, one day, that they do. Ah well, in for a penny.
Action Comics #890, #891, #892, #893 and the yet-to-be-released #894.

Now this shouldn’t make sense. This is a Superman comic book without Superman. But it does have Doctor Who/Primeval/Robin Hood writer Paul Cornell.
And it has a Lex Luthor starring sell out first issue and second print. It has Gorilla Grodd.. And it has the first Neil Gaiman approved-indeed-co-written appearance of Death in the DC Universe, cameoing in #893, full appearance in #894. There’s a Secret Six crossover coming up. And it’s clearly building up to something big with #900. Oh, and Morning Glories‘ ex-Cincinatti politician Nick Spencer is writing the back up Jimmy Olsen stories. With the first DCU appearance of Smallville’s Chloe Sullivan
And it’s still being ordered by most retailers – and indeed bought (or not) by certain customers – as if it is just a Superman book without Superman in it. For now.
Copies of some issues go for as little as 99 cents on eBay. But I’m guessing not for long.

Veronica #202 As Queer As A Twelve Dollar Bill

Submitted by Rich Johnston on October 1, 2010 – 8:46 am (9) comments
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It’s the first Archie comic in history to sell out and need a second print. And with Perez Hilton getting in on the action, no wonder that the first (out) appearance of the first gay character in Riverdale, Kevin Keller, is doing relative big bucks on eBay, currently selling for up to $12.
Archie titles have a wide distribution but aren’t concentrated in comic stores like most titles. So the likelihood is that there are plenty of first prints in supermarkets across the US – it’s just the speculators don’t know where to find them. Might be worth keeping an eye out the next time you’re at the checkout?
Second print on the left, first print on the right…


sale comics

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OBO, Or Best Offers. Always accepting low-ball offers. Send me your want list, please.  If you would like to purchase some, but not all, of these, please make an offer for whichever specific comics you want and I will break up this collection in order to fill your want list.  I'll be happy to provide you with large scans of any of these comics as proof of condition. 



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In the continental U. S.,

I can ship up to 3 magazines for $3.00 media mail,

4-8 magaziness, shipping is $4.50 media mail,

9-20 magaziness, shipping is $6.00 media mail,
Worldwide shipping available.


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Although grading is, (and always will be) subjective,
I'm confident you'll find my grading both fair and accurate.

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Terms and Conditions

Please email me with any questions you may have.
Payment must be received within 7 days after end of auction
or item may be re-listed and negative feedback may be left,
(unless special arrangements are made with seller via email).
If there is a problem with your item after delivery, please 

contact me within 3 days after receiving it to resolve the problem.
Please do this before leaving negative or neutral feedback.
I am more than willing to work with you to make things right
if you are unhappy with your purchase. (You won't be.)

layout for myspacehow communication arts comics magazines computer designs types fonts graphics grafix graphics arts graphic arts CAD lowbrow lot romances sexy pinups pin-ups headlights GGA BGA bad girl art good girl art sleaze sleazy cartoons playboys penthouses hustlers pornography pornographic vintage risque mens mans nudity classics detectives killers murders murderers mysteries mystery crimes strippers burlesque nudes Spiderman Spider man Batman Daredevil Superman Wonder Woman X-Men Hulk Thor horrors wars loves indy indie weirdos oddballs womans womens army navy air force marines male female spy spies soldiers pilots snipers bombers 1940's 1950's 1960's 1970's forties fifties sixties seventies

On Aug-23-09 at 21:51:39 PDT, seller added the following information:

LONE WOLF AND CUB Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket SCANDALS Photobucket Photobucket THE DETECTIVES Photobucket FRANK Photobucket

On Aug-23-09 at 21:56:06 PDT, seller added the following information:

VELOCITY, Image 1 2 3 PILOT SEASON: VELOCITY, Image / Top Cow VOGUE, Image 1 1, Variant Cover Art 2 3 FATHOM, Image / Top Cow, Michael Turner art 1, Bubbles cover - $1.50 1A, Killian cover - $1.50 2 3 4 5 9 FATHOM: KILLIANS TIDE, Image / Top Cow 1 FATHOM: KILLIAN'S VESSEL, Aspen, Michael Turner art 1B, Michael Turner Cover Art Variant - $1.50 FATHOM: BEGINNINGS, MICHAEL TURNER'S, Aspen, Michael Turner art 1 FATHOM: DAWN OF WAR, Aspen 1A 2A FATHOM: CANNONHAWK, Aspen, Michael Turner art 0 ASPEN (MICHAEL TURNER PRESENTS...), Aspen, Michael Turner art 2 3 ASPEN SEASONS: SPRING 2005, Aspen, Michael Turner art SOULFIRE, MICHAEL TURNER'S, Aspen 3A SHRUGGED & SOULFIRE PREVIEW, Aspen Polybagged with Wizard Magazine #175 SHRUGGED, Aspen 0A 1A 1A, *Autographed Signed Signature of Micah Gunnell* - $2.50 1B 1B, *Autographed Signed Signature of Michael Turner* - $5.00 1D, Wizard World Philly 2006 Exclusive Variant, *Autographed Signed Signature of Michael Turner* with COA (Certificate of Authenticity) - $15.00 1D, Wizard World Philly 2006 Exclusive Variant, (No signature) - $5.00 SHRUGGED: BEGINNINGS, Aspen 1A FRESHMAN, Image / Top Cow, co-created by Seth Green 1, Linsner cover 1, Migliari cover 1, Perez cover 1, San Diego Con 2005 B&W Exclusive Variant - $5.00 1, 2nd Print, Extra Credit Edition 2 3 4 5 6 Yearbook 1 FRESHMAN II: FUNDAMENTALS OF FEAR, (volume 2) Image / Top Cow, co-created by Seth Green 1, Rodolfo Migliari Incentive Cover. Limited to 1 in 3. - $1.50 1, Wizard World Texas 2006 Exclusive. Limited to 500. - $10.00 2, Will Conrad Cover 2, Rodolfo Migliari Cover 3, Will Conrad cover 3, Rodolfo Migliari Cover 4, Scott Benefiel Cover 4, Rodolfo Migliari Cover 5, Phil Hester Cover 6, Eric Basaldua Cover TOP COW TRIPLE PLAY, Image / Top Cow 1, Freshman, V.I.C.E., Necromancer THE MAGDALENA, (volume 1) Image / Top Cow 2 PILOT SEASON: ANGELUS, DC / Top Cow 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE NINE RINGS OF WU-TANG, Image / Avalon / ArtisStudios Rappers Posse Clan Gang 0, Wizard Genesis Edition 2 4, Muscle Man Cover 4, Kung-Fu Cover Art Variant - $1.50 5 THE DARKNESS: LEVEL 2, DC / Top Cow Wizard World LA 2007 Exclusive Sketch Variant - $7.50 THE DARKNESS COLLECTED EDITIONS, *UNOPENED* Image / Top Cow 1, Reprints issues 1 & 2. - $3.50 2, Reprints issues 3 & 4. - $3.50 [IMG]http://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af144/KensingtonQuinncannon/CGCposts/pitt023.jpg[/IMG] 3, Reprints issues 5 & 6. - $3.50 4, Reprints issues 7 & 8. - $3.50 TALES OF THE DARKNESS, Image / Top Cow 1/2, Wizard Collectors Issue, I cannot find the COA - $6.00 3, 4, THE DARKNESS, Image / Top Cow 1/2, 1, NM- Black Cover Art Variant - $6.00. Looks better than scan. No fingerprints, smudges, etc. [IMG]http://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af144/KensingtonQuinncannon/CGCposts/pitt022.jpg[/IMG] 2, - $2.00 4, - $1.50 5, - $1.50 6, - $1.50 7, - $1.50 8, Marc Silvestri Cover Art Variant. Shipped in 1:4 Ratio. - $2.50 9, 10, 11, Whilce Portacio Cover Art Variant - $1.50 11, Brandon Peterson Cover - $1.50 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 24, THE WICKED, Image 1, Tower Variant Edition - $3.00 *COOL GGA* 4, Variant Cover Art - $1.50 CYBERPUNX, Image 1, 2,

On Aug-23-09 at 21:59:48 PDT, seller added the following information:

CGC Forums witchblade darkness freshman FRESHMAN II: FUNDAMENTALS OF FEAR, (volume 2) Image / Top Cow, co-created by Seth Green 1, Wizard World Texas 2006 Exclusive. Limited to 500. Cowgirls - $10.00 [IMG]http://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af144/KensingtonQuinncannon/CGCposts/pitt011.jpg[/IMG] TOMB RAIDER, Image / Top Cow / Eido / Core Free Comic Book Day FCBD Origin 1/2, Wizard with COA (Certificate of Authenticity) Photobucket [IMG]http://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af144/KensingtonQuinncannon/CGCposts/pitt021.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af144/KensingtonQuinncannon/CGCposts/pitt018.jpg[/IMG] 1, Michael Turner Cover Art [IMG]http://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af144/KensingtonQuinncannon/CGCposts/pitt020.jpg[/IMG] 1, Finch Cover Art [IMG]http://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af144/KensingtonQuinncannon/CGCposts/pitt018.jpg[/IMG] 1, Park Cover Art 1, Park Cover Art 14, Double Skull cover 17, Skull cover [IMG]http://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af144/KensingtonQuinncannon/CGCposts/pitt012.jpg[/IMG] DARRKCHYLDE SWIMSUIT ILLUSTRATED 1998, FN, (Sports Illustrated Swipe/Homage/Rip) Splash page & double-splash page pin-ups, sexy hot busty buxom big huge, nice unpublished art, FN, - $5.00 or best offer, obo [IMG]http://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af144/KensingtonQuinncannon/CGCposts/pitt015.jpg[/IMG] DARKCHYLDE LAST ISSUE SPECIAL #1, Wraparound cover [IMG]http://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af144/KensingtonQuinncannon/CGCposts/pitt014.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af144/KensingtonQuinncannon/CGCposts/pitt013.jpg[/IMG] DARKCHYLDE 1/2, 1/2, Wizard with COA (Certificate of Authenticity) Skull cover [IMG]http://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af144/KensingtonQuinncannon/CGCposts/pitt012.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af144/KensingtonQuinncannon/CGCposts/pitt019.jpg[/IMG] Tales of the Witchblade #2, Finch Cover Art - $2.00 Witchblade/Tomb Raider, #1 DF, Dynamic Forces Cover Art - $2.00 Witchblade/Tomb Raider, #1 Eidos/Core Turner Cover Art - $2.00 Witchblade/Tomb Raider, #1 Eidos/Core Silvestri Cover Art - $2.00 The Cow Special #1, (2000) Top Cow House Organ, Photo Cover of TV's Witchblade, Yancy Butler - $1.50 Weasel Guy/Witchblade #1, $1.50 Weasel Guy/Witchblade #1, Cover Art Variant - $1.50 Witchblade Infinity #1, FN - $0.50 Witchblade Animated #1, (Paul Dini art) with The Darkness and Angela (from Spawn) - $1.50 Witchblade Battlebooks: Streets of Fire (Game Comic) - $1.50 I may have more oddball team-ups grouped with other titles.

Here's a preliminary list of mine:

Independents, (Indys Indies) Publishers, Low-print-run Alternatives / Undergrounds *SCARCE* Variants, *RARE* Signed Signatures Autographs, HTF / VHTF - Hard-to-find / Very-hard-to-find oddballs comics collecting niches.

(Now, keep in mind, most of these are ultra high grade, probably Top o the CGC Census if submitted. Also, they are the scarcer sub-titles of truly oddball comics.

One (1) long box longbox each, (Approximately)

One (1) short box shortbox each, (Approximately)

Half (1/2) short box shortbox each, (Approximately)




Plus a huge handfuls of these publishers"

* Aardvark-Vanaheim
* Acclaim Comics
* Adventure Comics
* Amazing Comics
* Anthropomorphics
* Armada Comics
* Awesome Comics
* Bad Girl Comics
* Blackthorne
* BOOM! Studios
* Boneyard Press
* CFD Productions
* Drawn & Quarterly
* Entity Comics
* Harrier Comics
* Harris Comics
* Last Gasp Comix
* Movie/TV Comics
* Other Indies
* Parody & Spoof
* Personality Comics
* Rip Off Press
* Solson
* Tundra
* Vortex Comics

Here's the capper. Three (3) long boxes longboxes of truly rare and scarce Copper Age - Modern Age Indy / Alt / Underground / Horror, Sci-Fi, Superheroes, Vampires, Monsters - Gerber 6, 7 and 8s. Extremely low-print-runs of oddball, small press publishers and other one-of-a-kind publishers you've never before seen, probably. Most of these are "The Diamond Dregs" of truly oddball comics. Key Words: 4 Geeky Comix Geeks


layout for myspace


In the continental U. S.,

I can ship up to 3 books for $3.00 media mail,

4-8 books, shipping is $4.50 media mail,

9-20 books, shipping is $6.00 media mail,

Over 20 books? Relax. No worries.

I’ll have to get back to you on that with an exact quote.
Shipping to Canada is $9.00. Worldwide shipping is $11.00

We should trade e-mails. It's easy. I've done this many times.

(They love me in France and Norway. Go figure.)

Image hosting

Grading is (and always will be) subjective, so I recommend you
view the comic's picture and grade it yourself before you bid.
I'm confident you'll find my grading both fair and accurate.

Image hosting

Terms and Conditions

Please email me with any questions you may have.
Payment must be received within 7 days after end of auction
or item may be re-listed and negative feedback may be left,
(unless special arrangements are made with seller via email).
If there is a problem with your item after delivery, please contact
me within 3 days after receiving it to resolve the problem.
Please do this before leaving negative or neutral feedback.
I am more than willing to work with you to make things right
if you are unhappy with your purchase. (You won't be.)

layout for myspace

communication arts comics magazines computer designs types fonts
graphics grafix graphics arts graphic arts CAD lowbrow lot romances
sexy pinups pin-ups headlights GGA BGA bad girl art good girl art
sleaze sleazy cartoons playboys penthouses hustlers pornography
pornographic vintage risque mens mans nudity classics detectives
killers murders murderers mysteries mystery crimes strippers burlesque
nudes Spiderman Spider man Batman Daredevil Superman Wonder Woman
X-Men Hulk Thor horrors wars loves indy indie weirdos oddballs womans
womens army navy air force marines male female spy spies soldiers
pilots snipers bombers 1940's 1950's 1960's 1970's forties fifties sixties seventies

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indy - click to enlarge. Again to magnify.




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View my page on West Inghouse


In the continental U. S.,

I can ship up to 3 books for $3.00 media mail,

4-8 books, shipping is $4.50 media mail,

9-20 books, shipping is $6.00 media mail,

Over 20 books? Relax. No worries.

I’ll have to get back to you on that with an exact quote.
Shipping to Canada is $9.00. Worldwide shipping is $11.00

We should trade e-mails. It's easy. I've done this many times.

(They love me in France and Norway. Go figure.)

Image hosting

Grading is (and always will be) subjective, so I recommend you
view the comic's picture and grade it yourself before you bid.
I'm confident you'll find my grading both fair and accurate.

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layout for myspace

how communication arts comics magazines computer designs types fonts graphics grafix graphics arts graphic arts CAD lowbrow lot romances sexy pinups pin-ups headlights GGA BGA bad girl art good girl art sleaze sleazy cartoons playboys penthouses hustlers pornography pornographic vintage risque mens mans nudity classics detectives killers murders murderers mysteries mystery crimes strippers burlesque nudes Spiderman Spider man Batman Daredevil Superman Wonder Woman X-Men Hulk Thor horrors wars loves indy indie weirdos oddballs womans womens army navy air force marines male female spy spies soldiers pilots snipers bombers 1940's 1950's 1960's 1970's forties fifties sixties seventies
通信艺术漫画杂志计算机怎么设计字体图表grafix形象艺术形象艺术CAD教养浅薄全部浪漫史性感的 pinups别针上升有伤风化的精神供以人员裸体经典之作探员凶手谋杀凶手奥秘奥秘罪行刮毛器滑稽的裸体高空作业的建筑工人蜘蛛人蝙蝠侠冒失鬼超人好奇女子X人废船托尔恐怖战争爱indy indie古怪的人穿着或行为古怪的人womans妇女的军队海军空军男女海军陆战队员暗中侦察间谍战士飞行员狙击手轰炸机1940'的车灯GGA BGA坏女孩艺术好女孩艺术廉价单薄的动画片花花公子顶楼房屋骗子色情色情的葡萄酒; s 1950' s 1960' s 1970' s四十年代五十年代60七十
커뮤니케이션 예술 만화 잡지 컴퓨터가 유형 글꼴 도표 grafix 그래프 아트 그래프 아트 CAD 저속한 제비 로맨스 섹시한 pinups를 디자인하는 헤드라이트 GGA BGA 남여 간첩 간첩 군인 조종사 저격병 폭격기 1940'가 음란한 mens에 의하여 벌거숭이 고전 담정 살인자 살인 살인자 신비 신비 범죄 스트리퍼 burlesque 누드 높은데서 일하는 사람 높은데서 일하는 사람 배트맨 무모한 사람 수퍼맨 원더 우먼 X 남자 노후선 Thor 공포 전쟁 사랑 indy indie 기묘한 사람 괴짜 womans 여자의 육군 해군 공군 해병 사람을 배치하는 나쁜 소녀 예술 좋은 소녀 예술 sleaze 하찮은 만화 바람둥이 고급 주택 사기꾼 포르노 포르노 포도 수확을 방법 핀 올린다; s 1950' s 1960' s 1970' s 40대 fifties 60년대 70 년대
コミュニケーション芸術のコミックの雑誌コンピュータが活字体のグラフィックのgrafixのグラフィックアートのグラフィックアートCADの無教養なロットのロマンスのセクシーなpinupsいかに設計するかヘッドライトGGA BGAの際どいメンズが裸体像の古典の探偵キラー殺害の殺人者のミステリーミステリー罪のストリッパーのパロディ風の裸体のスパイダーマンのくも人のバットマンの向こう見ずのスーパーマンのワンダーウーマンのX人の廃船体のトールの恐怖戦争愛indy indieの変人の変わり者のwomansの女性の軍隊海軍空軍海兵隊員の男女のスパイのスパイの兵士の操縦者の狙撃兵の爆撃機1940'に人を配置する悪い女の子の芸術のよい女の子の芸術の汚職の安っぽい漫画のプレーボーイのペントハウスのハスラーのポルノグラフィーのポルノ型をピン持ち上げる; s 1950' s 1960' s 1970' sの40年代の五十年代の六十年代の70年代
πώς επικοινωνίας τεχνών comics περιοδικών υπολογιστών σχεδίων τύπων πηγών γραφικής παράστασης grafix γραφικής παράστασης τεχνών ο γραφικός τεχνών CAD lowbrow μερών ειδυλλίων προκλητικός pinups καρφίτσα-UPS προβολέων GGA κακός κοριτσιών BGA τέχνης καλός κοριτσιών τέχνης πορνογραφικός τρύγος πορνογραφίας hustlers ρετηρέ κινούμενων σχεδίων ακαταστασίας sleazy playboys risque mens επανδρώνει οι δολοφόνοι ιδιωτικών αστυνομικών κλασικών γυμνότητας δολοφονούν strippers εγκλημάτων μυστηρίου μυστηρίων δολοφόνων τα άνδρα-γυναίκας βομβαρδιστικά αεροπλάνα 1940' ελεύθερων σκοπευτών πιλότων στρατιωτών κατασκόπων κατασκόπων ναυτικών Πολεμικής Αεροπορίας ναυτικών στρατού των παρωδίακων Hulk Χ-ατόμων γυναικών κατάπληξης υπερανθρώπων παράτολμων Batman ανδρών αραχνών σπάιντερμαν nudes Thor φρικών πολεμικών αγαπών indy ανεξάρτητων δισκογραφική εταιρία γυναικών weirdos oddballs womans s 1950' s 1960' s 1970' δεκαετία του '70 δεκαετίας του '60 δεκαετίας του '50 δεκαετιών του '40 του s
wie Kommunikationskunstcomics-Zeitschriftencomputer CAD-unbedarfte Los Romances grafische Künste der Schriftartgraphiken grafix Grafikkünste reizvolle pinups entwirft, Stift-ups der Mädchenkunst der Scheinwerfer GGA BGA pornografische Weinlese der schlechten der Mädchenkunst-Korruption guten Karikaturschürzenheld-Penthausarbeitstier-Pornografie leichten, die risque Mens Spiderman-Spinnenmann Batman-Draufgänger-Supermann-Wunder-Frau X-Männer SchiffsrumpfThorgrausigkeitkrieglieben Armee-Marineluftwaffe der indy indie Weirdos-Verrücktere womans Frauen Akt der Nacktheitklassikerdetektivmördermordmördergeheimnisgeheimnisverbrechenarbeitswalzen burlesque bemannt, die männlich-weiblichen Marinen SpionsoldatpilotScharfschützebomber 1940' ausspionieren; s 1950' s 1960' s 1970' s-Vierzigerjahr-Sechzigersiebziger
как компьютер кассет комиксов искусств связи конструирует романс серии CAD графических искусств искусств графиков grafix графиков видов шрифта pinups lowbrow сексуальные штыр-поднимает порнографии hustlers пентхаусов плейбоев шаржей аморальности искусства девушки искусства девушки фар GGA BGA год сбора винограда плохой хорошей неряшливой порнографическое рискованный mens укомплектовывает личным составом влюбленностей войн ужасов Thor большого судна X-Людей женщины интереса супермена удальца бэтмэн человека спайдера человек-паука обнажённых стрипперов злодеяний тайны тайн душегубов убийств убийц сыщиков классик наготы женщин womans чудаков weirdos indie бурлескных морских пехотинцов военновоздушной сила военно-морского флота армии indy мыжские женские шпионят бомбардировщики 1940' снайперов пилотов воинов шпионок; s 1950' s 1960' s 1970' семидесятые годы шестидесятых годов за пятьдесят forties s

On Feb-28-09 at 18:41:25 PST, seller added the following information:

通信艺术漫画杂志计算机怎么设计字体图表grafix形象艺术形象艺术CAD教养浅薄全部浪漫史性感的pinups别针上升有伤风化的精神供以人员裸体经典之作探员凶手谋杀凶手奥秘奥秘罪行刮毛器滑稽的裸体高空作业的建筑工人蜘蛛人蝙蝠侠冒失鬼超人好奇女子X人废船托尔恐怖战争爱indy indie古怪的人穿着或行为古怪的人womans妇女的军队海军空军男女海军陆战队员暗中侦察间谍战士飞行员狙击手轰炸机1940'的车灯GGA BGA坏女孩艺术好女孩艺术廉价单薄的动画片花花公子顶楼房屋骗子色情色情的葡萄酒; s 1950' s 1960' s 1970' s四十年代五十年代60七十
커뮤니케이션 예술 만화 잡지 컴퓨터가 유형 글꼴 도표 grafix 그래프 아트 그래프 아트 CAD 저속한 제비 로맨스 섹시한 pinups를 디자인하는 헤드라이트 GGA BGA 남여 간첩 간첩 군인 조종사 저격병 폭격기 1940'가 음란한 mens에 의하여 벌거숭이 고전 담정 살인자 살인 살인자 신비 신비 범죄 스트리퍼 burlesque 누드 높은데서 일하는 사람 높은데서 일하는 사람 배트맨 무모한 사람 수퍼맨 원더 우먼 X 남자 노후선 Thor 공포 전쟁 사랑 indy indie 기묘한 사람 괴짜 womans 여자의 육군 해군 공군 해병 사람을 배치하는 나쁜 소녀 예술 좋은 소녀 예술 sleaze 하찮은 만화 바람둥이 고급 주택 사기꾼 포르노 포르노 포도 수확을 방법 핀 올린다; s 1950' s 1960' s 1970' s 40대 fifties 60년대 70 년대
コミュニケーション芸術のコミックの雑誌コンピュータが活字体のグラフィックのgrafixのグラフィックアートのグラフィックアートCADの無教養なロットのロマンスのセクシーなpinupsいかに設計するかヘッドライトGGA BGAの際どいメンズが裸体像の古典の探偵キラー殺害の殺人者のミステリーミステリー罪のストリッパーのパロディ風の裸体のスパイダーマンのくも人のバットマンの向こう見ずのスーパーマンのワンダーウーマンのX人の廃船体のトールの恐怖戦争愛indy indieの変人の変わり者のwomansの女性の軍隊海軍空軍海兵隊員の男女のスパイのスパイの兵士の操縦者の狙撃兵の爆撃機1940'に人を配置する悪い女の子の芸術のよい女の子の芸術の汚職の安っぽい漫画のプレーボーイのペントハウスのハスラーのポルノグラフィーのポルノ型をピン持ち上げる; s 1950' s 1960' s 1970' sの40年代の五十年代の六十年代の70年代
πώς επικοινωνίας τεχνών comics περιοδικών υπολογιστών σχεδίων τύπων πηγών γραφικής παράστασης grafix γραφικής παράστασης τεχνών ο γραφικός τεχνών CAD lowbrow μερών ειδυλλίων προκλητικός pinups καρφίτσα-UPS προβολέων GGA κακός κοριτσιών BGA τέχνης καλός κοριτσιών τέχνης πορνογραφικός τρύγος πορνογραφίας hustlers ρετηρέ κινούμενων σχεδίων ακαταστασίας sleazy playboys risque mens επανδρώνει οι δολοφόνοι ιδιωτικών αστυνομικών κλασικών γυμνότητας δολοφονούν strippers εγκλημάτων μυστηρίου μυστηρίων δολοφόνων τα άνδρα-γυναίκας βομβαρδιστικά αεροπλάνα 1940' ελεύθερων σκοπευτών πιλότων στρατιωτών κατασκόπων κατασκόπων ναυτικών Πολεμικής Αεροπορίας ναυτικών στρατού των παρωδίακων Hulk Χ-ατόμων γυναικών κατάπληξης υπερανθρώπων παράτολμων Batman ανδρών αραχνών σπάιντερμαν nudes Thor φρικών πολεμικών αγαπών indy ανεξάρτητων δισκογραφική εταιρία γυναικών weirdos oddballs womans s 1950' s 1960' s 1970' δεκαετία του '70 δεκαετίας του '60 δεκαετίας του '50 δεκαετιών του '40 του s
wie Kommunikationskunstcomics-Zeitschriftencomputer CAD-unbedarfte Los Romances grafische Künste der Schriftartgraphiken grafix Grafikkünste reizvolle pinups entwirft, Stift-ups der Mädchenkunst der Scheinwerfer GGA BGA pornografische Weinlese der schlechten der Mädchenkunst-Korruption guten Karikaturschürzenheld-Penthausarbeitstier-Pornografie leichten, die risque Mens Spiderman-Spinnenmann Batman-Draufgänger-Supermann-Wunder-Frau X-Männer SchiffsrumpfThorgrausigkeitkrieglieben Armee-Marineluftwaffe der indy indie Weirdos-Verrücktere womans Frauen Akt der Nacktheitklassikerdetektivmördermordmördergeheimnisgeheimnisverbrechenarbeitswalzen burlesque bemannt, die männlich-weiblichen Marinen SpionsoldatpilotScharfschützebomber 1940' ausspionieren; s 1950' s 1960' s 1970' s-Vierzigerjahr-Sechzigersiebziger
как компьютер кассет комиксов искусств связи конструирует романс серии CAD графических искусств искусств графиков grafix графиков видов шрифта pinups lowbrow сексуальные штыр-поднимает порнографии hustlers пентхаусов плейбоев шаржей аморальности искусства девушки искусства девушки фар GGA BGA год сбора винограда плохой хорошей неряшливой порнографическое рискованный mens укомплектовывает личным составом влюбленностей войн ужасов Thor большого судна X-Людей женщины интереса супермена удальца бэтмэн человека спайдера человек-паука обнажённых стрипперов злодеяний тайны тайн душегубов убийств убийц сыщиков классик наготы женщин womans чудаков weirdos indie бурлескных морских пехотинцов военновоздушной сила военно-морского флота армии indy мыжские женские шпионят бомбардировщики 1940' снайперов пилотов воинов шпионок; s 1950' s 1960' s 1970' семидесятые годы шестидесятых годов за пятьдесят forties s




















(I was a PowerSeller, once.)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketCLICK HERE, PLEASE Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Drag Racing Crashes Compilations


Burning Comics Slideshows


Jennifer Anderson-Harrington - Harrington House, Ana Maria Island, FL
Roxanne Johnson, Tarpon Springs, FL






I was going to use ebay to sell these.






I have a OO, (me) pedigree collection.
Mostly Image, (around 8 long boxes) all Valiant, (3 long boxes),
all Defiant, all Malibu Ultraverse, the list goes on. *shudder*

It's like the stacks in the back of a library: the tombs of tomes, soon to be dispatched to ebay.
Victims of a format change to, eventually, paperless. Valued for their tactile ownership.
More valuable than an old paper stock or bond.


"I've tried to price most of them. They are priced to move. Fire Sale / Mortgage Party"
I'm not going to get hung up on price, here. You'll love your deal."

ASK FOR SCANS AS PROOF OF GRADE. (I can't scan them all.)

Please calculate tip, (finders fee) by donating a percentage to my mortgage party payment fund.

$50.00 and shipping to Canada is free.
Priced to unload at wholesale prives for bulk orders.
I'll take your low-ball offer. Try me!


I was going to use ebay to sell these.
http://clubofmars.ning.com/profiles/...ne-of-consumer(00) PREACHER #

Preacher is a comic book series created by writer Garth Ennis and artist Steve Dillon, published by the American comic book label Vertigo imprint of DC Comics, with painted covers by Glenn Fabry.

The series consists of 75 issues in total — 66 regular, monthly issues, five one-shot specials and a four-issue Saint of Killers limited series. The entire run has been collected in nine trade paperback editions. The final monthly issue, number 66, was published in July 2000.


Preacher tells the story of Jesse Custer, a down-and-out preacher in the small Texas town of Annville. Custer was accidentally possessed by the supernatural creature named Genesis in an incident which killed his entire congregation and flattened his church.

Genesis, the product of the unauthorized, unnatural coupling of an angel and a demon, is an infant with no sense of individual will. However, as it is composed of both pure goodness and pure evil, it might have enough power to rival that of God himself. In other words, Jesse Custer, bonded to Genesis, may have become the most powerful being in the whole of living existence.

Custer, driven by a strong sense of right and wrong, goes on a journey across the United States attempting to (literally) find God, who abandoned Heaven the moment Genesis was born. He also begins to discover the truth about his new powers, which allow him to command the obedience of those who hear his words. He is joined by his old girlfriend Tulip O'Hare, as well as a hard-drinking Irish vampire named Cassidy.

During the course of their journeys, the three encounter enemies and obstacles both sacred and profane, including: the Saint of Killers, an invincible, quick-drawing, perfect-aiming, come-lately Angel of Death answering only to "He who sits on the throne"; a serial-killer called the 'Reaver-Cleaver'; The Grail, a secret organization controlling the governments of the world and protecting the bloodline of Jesus; Herr Starr, ostensible Allfather of the Grail, a megalomaniac with a penchant for prostitutes, who wishes to use Custer for his own ends; several fallen angels; and Jesse's own redneck 'family' — particularly his nasty Cajun grandmother, her mighty bodyguard Jody, and the 'animal-loving' T.C.

Themes and influences

Preacher focuses on narrative storytelling and characterization. It drew considerable praise (and protest) for its unapologetic handling of religious and supernatural themes, its dark and frequently violent humor, and its wide range of allusions to popular culture outside of comic books.

In particular, Preacher draws on movies, particularly western movies, for many of its stylistic elements. For example: an apparition of John Wayne is a recurring character and serves as a sort of spiritual guide or conscience for Custer; Monument Valley and The Alamo serve as backdrops to various legs of the journey; for a time, Jesse acts as the sheriff of a small town in Texas, and must protect the inhabitants from harm; the image of the Saint of Killers, a reformed outlaw-turned-evil-once-more in the tradition of Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven character, William Munny, is a nod to the classic Western notion of nemesis, straight and true and terrible.

The series also invokes ideas popularized by such books as Holy Blood, Holy Grail. Like Holy Blood, Holy Grail, Preacher claims that there is a still-viable bloodline descending from Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. Herr Starr reveals to Cassidy that Jesus had children, and did not die on the cross, but instead lived to middle-age, and was killed by a runaway dung cart. After his death the Grail guardians took away his offspring, who were forced to intermarry with one another in order to keep Jesus' divine power within the bloodline. For over 2000 years this intermarrying perpetuated an incestuous family tree culminating with the mentally handicapped descendants of Jesus having a child, during the birth of whom the mother dies, effectively producing the last generation of the Jesus' line.

The original plot and assumptions of Preacher was spun out of Ennis' run on Hellblazer: what would happen if an angel and a demon mates and the spirit of their offspring ends up in a mortal man? Like many comics spun out of DC's 70s work, it incorporates the idea of the Christian God (Jahve) as the creator who has left his creation. Other related comics include Swamp Thing and Sandman (and its spinoffs, like Lucifer).

In the beginning of the narrative, told in retrospect in the first issue of Preacher, Jesse Custer is a vicar of dubious nature, just about to address the members of his parish after a night of heavy drinking and with many enemies in the audience. This opening scene is identical to the famous opening of Selma Lagerlöf's novel Gösta Berling's Saga.

Additionally, the series examines the role of American identity and ideals in the modern age. This extends beyond the personal level, where old-fashioned western "Cowboy" ethics and attitudes meet modern feminism, to the collective level, where the traumas of the Vietnam War, corporate excess and the cyclical nature of violence, among other things, are explored. The conflict between liberal and conservative politics is also examined, as are depression, repression, sexuality, pornography, drug use, homelessness and immigration.

A symbolic presence is that of Arseface, a teenager who attempted to imitate the suicide of rock star Kurt Cobain by shooting himself in the face with a shotgun. He survived the suicide attempt, and after many attempts at reconstructive plastic surgery ended up as a 'fella with a face like an arse'. (In the later issues, Arseface goes through a sped-up cycle of American fame: underground sensation to popular star to lawsuit bait and target of censorship. In the end, his manager takes all his money.)

Trade summary

(All art by Steve Dillon, unless otherwise noted.)

1. Gone to Texas (collects issues 1–7)
* Reverend Jesse Custer, a tough Texas preacher who's lost his faith, is possessed by a mysterious entity called Genesis — a conscienceless force whose power may rival that of God Himself. Through insight granted him by Genesis, now lodged in Jesse's mind in a sort of supernatural symbiosis, Jesse learns that the Lord God has left Heaven and abandoned His responsibilities. Moreover, Jesse becomes aware that he has been given the power of The Word Of God, depicted in the comic through the use of red text (a reference to the printing method often used for indicating Jesus' speech in the Bible), allowing him to deliver irresistible commands to any being, including God Himself (e.g. "Eat your gun" or "Count three million grains of sand", whereupon the commandee cannot help but to comply fully. This power bears somewhat ironic linguistic and physical limitations, explored occasionally throughout the series). Armed with these newfound attributes, he sets out on a quest to find God and make Him answer for His dereliction of duty.
Accompanying Jesse on his journey are Tulip O'Hare, Jesse's former girlfriend who has long thought that he abandoned her, and Cassidy, a 100-year-old Irish vampire who often seems to prefer a pint in the pub to the blood of the innocent — though his unavoidable, unnatural hunger is something of a sticky point for the ethical Preacher.
Meanwhile, in Heaven, a quorum of angels, trying desperately to keep things from falling apart, decides to send the Saint of Killers — an immortal, unstoppable killing machine — to Earth with orders to recapture Genesis at any cost.
2. Until the End of the World (collects issues 8–17)
* In "All in the Family", Jesse's secret past is revealed as he is forced to confront his family, and the horrible childhood he's been running from his entire life.
* In "Hunters", Jesse and Co. travel west to San Francisco, where they run afoul of a pair of 'sexual investigators'; an armadillo-sodomizing, lifelong-partying aesthete by the name of Jesus de Sade; and The Grail — an ancient and immensely powerful religious conspiracy that wants to use Jesse's power to bring about Armageddon. The Grail is personified by a clever and ambitious German military expert known only as 'Herr Starr' (who, along with God, serves as the series' primary villain).
3. Proud Americans (collects issues 18–26)
* Jesse and Tulip journey to France to rescue Cassidy from the Grail's heavily-guarded secret fortress ('Masada'), where Cassidy (pretending to be Custer) is being held by Herr Starr and tortured by a gelded, sadistic Mafioso named Frankie the Eunuch (who tortures Cassidy by shooting him multiple times with a Lee-Enfield bolt-action rifle). The Saint of Killers follows them, and all Hell breaks loose.
Upon their return to the States, a grateful Cassidy tells Jesse his life's story: how he fought in the Irish War of Independence, how he was assaulted by a bog-hag outside of Dublin and turned into a vampire, and how he began his long love affair with New York City.
4. Ancient History (collects the Saint of Killers limited series, plus Preacher Special: The Story of You-Know-Who and Preacher Special: The Good Old Boys)
* In the four-part "Saint of Killers" story, we learn who the Saint was before he died, and why he was given the job of Angel of Death. Also, hell freezes over. (art by Steve Pugh and Carlos Ezquerra)
* The Story of You-Know-Who (so called because DC would not allow the word "arse" to be used on the cover) recounts the events that led up to and followed Arseface's attempted suicide. (art by Richard Case)
* The Good Old Boys is a twisted satire of 1980s action movies, starring none other than Jody and T.C. from the "All in the Family" storyline. (art by Carlos Ezquerra)
5. Dixie Fried (collects issues 27–33 and Preacher Special: Blood and Whiskey)
* Blood and Whiskey is a tale of Cassidy's past; the story of the New Orleans-based gothic cult 'Les Enfants du Sang' and the only time Cassidy ever met another vampire.
* In Dixie Fried, our heroes arrive in New Orleans, where an old friend of Cassidy's — who just happens to be a voodoo priest — may be able to help Jesse unlock the secrets locked deep within Genesis. Unfortunately, a dark aspect of Cassidy's past (shown in Blood and Whiskey) threatens to confound this attempt and kill everyone involved.
6. War in the Sun (collects issues 34–40 and Preacher Special: One Man's War)
* In One Man's War, we learn exactly what kind of man Herr Starr is, where he came from, and how he got involved in the Grail conspiracy. (art by Peter Snejberg)
* In War in the Sun, Starr's lust for power reaches its peak with a massive military assault in Monument Valley, Utah. Starr comes prepared with an entire tank battalion and even a nuke, but is all that hardware really enough to stop the Saint of Killers? (The answer, of course, is 'not enough gun.')
7. Salvation (collects issues 41–50)
* Presumed dead and feeling betrayed by both his true love and his best friend, Jesse abandons his quest and takes a job as a lawman in the tiny town of Salvation, Texas — where a figure from his past suddenly re-emerges, even as Jesse (along with beautiful Deputy Cindy Dagget) deals with domestic disputes, the KKK, and the robber-baron of the town, the disgustingly psychotic Odin Quincannon. Also, Jesse is kidnapped by Miss Oatlash, Odin Quincannon's Lawyer, who is a mad Nazi Fetishist hellbent on making him her 'Führer of Love'. He later ingests peyote which causes him to remember his climactic confrontation with God (including a symbolic injury which may be an allusion to the Nordic namesake of the series' most recent villain figure), following the events in Monument Valley.
8. All Hell's A-Coming (collects issues 51–58 and Preacher Special: Tall in the Saddle)
* Tulip finally escapes from the self-destructive spiral she's been in since Jesse's 'death'. Jesse and Tulip are reunited, and Jesse learns just how much of a bastard Cassidy really is.
* "Tall in the Saddle" is a tale of Jesse and Tulip's wild early experiments in car theft.
9. Alamo (collects issues 59–66)
* A crescendo is reached, deep in the heart of Texas: Jesse hatches an ingenious scheme to finally put an end to his quest; Starr gives up on his plans for Jesse, and decides to just kill him instead; Jesse has his final confrontation with Cassidy outside the walls of the Alamo; Tulip shows everyone exactly what she's made of; and the Saint finally finds what he's been looking for.

Film adaptation

Garth Ennis, feeling Preacher would translate perfectly as a film, sold the film rights to Electric Entertainment. Rachel Talalay was hired to direct, with Ennis writing the script. Rupert Harvey and Tom Astor were set as producers. By May 1998, Ennis completed three drafts of the script, based largely on the Gone to Texas story arc. The filmmakers found it difficult financing Preacher because investors found the idea religiously controversial. Ennis approached Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier to help finance the film under their View Askew Productions banner. Ennis, Smith and Mosier pitched Preacher to Bob Weinstein at Miramax Films.

However, Weinstein was confused over the characterization of Jesse Custer. Miramax also did not want to share the box office gross with Electric Entertainment, ultimately dropping the pitch. By May 2000, Smith and Mosier were still attached to produce with Talalay directing, but Smith did not know the status of Preacher, feeling it would languish in development hell. By then, Storm Entertainment, a UK-based production company known for their work on independent films, joined the production with Electric Entertainment. In September 2001, the two companies announced Preacher had been greenlighted to commence pre-production, with filming to begin in November and Talaly still directing Ennis' script. The production and start dates was pushed back because of financial issues of the $25 million projected budget.

James Marsden was cast in the lead role as Jesse Custer sometime in 2002. He explained, "It was something I never knew anything about, but once I got my hands on the comic books, I was blown away by it." In a March 2004 interview, Marsden said the filmmakers were hoping for filming to start the following August. With the full-length film adaptation eventually abandoned with budgetary conerns, HBO announced in November 2006 that they commissioned Mark Steven Johnson and Howard Deutch to produce a television pilot. Johnson was to write with Deutch directing. Impressed with Johnson's pilot script, HBO had him write the series bible for the first season. Johnson originally planned "to turn each comic book issue into a single episode" on a shot-for-shot basis. "I gave [HBO] the comics, and I said, 'Every issue is an hour'. Garth Ennis said 'You don't have to be so beholden to the comic'. And I'm like, 'No, no, no. It's got to be like the comic'."

Johnson also wanted to make sure that one-shots were included as well. However, Johnson refrained his comments, citing new storylines conceived by Ennis. "Well there would be nothing new to add if we did that so Garth [Ennis] and I have been creating new stories for the series," he said. "I love the book so much and I was telling Garth that he has to make the stories we are coming up with as comics because I want to see them." By August 2008, new studio executives at HBO decided to abandon the idea, finding it too stylistically dark and religiously controversial. Columbia Pictures then purchased the film rights in October 2008 with Sam Mendes directing. Neal H. Moritz and Jason Netter are producing the film. The previous scripts written by Ennis will not be used.

On January 21st John August confirmed on his blog that he has been hired to write the script, saying "Other places are suddenly reporting it, so I might as well confirm the news: I’m writing a big-screen version of Preacher, an adaptation of the acclaimed graphic novel series by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon. Sam Mendes is attached to direct. Neal Moritz is producing for Sony Pictures. To answer your first four questions: there’s no release date, no cast, no locations, no nothing. I’m writing a script which could become a movie if everything lines up correctly. So here’s hoping. It’s a terrific project that I’m excited to be writing."

References in other media

* In the issue 11 of Y: The Last Man, Yorick is shown to own a silver Zippo lighter with "F___ Communism" engraved on it, identical to one owned by Jesse Custer. When asked about it Yorick states, "It's from this thing I read back in high school. A, uh... a 'graphic novel.'"
* Stephen King has said that his comic book series The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born was influenced by Preacher.

Main characters

Jesse Custer is a small-town reverend who becomes fused with a powerful entity named Genesis, gifting him with the ability to order people to do whatever he commands. Using this power, he begins a journey of discovery and revenge across America, with the aim of forcing God to answer to his creation for His sins. Standing in Jesse's way is a secret religious military organization mysteriously known as The Grail, as well as Jesse's own twisted family.

When his soul becomes merged with the angel-demon entity Genesis, its powers, that of which is greater than God's, are focused into what Jesse Custer refers to as "The Word of God." When he uses the Word, his eyes turn red and his voice changes that sounds like "nails scraping against [your] soul." Although, no one can resist his commands, his victims must be able to understand them, meaning that those who do not speak English cannot be commanded by him. Jesse prefers to keep his Word in reserve, using it only when necessary. He is an incredibly able hand-to-hand combatant, being able to take on anything from a team of Assassins, a Vampire, and Jody, a man seemingly impervious to harm. It remains unclear as to where he learned to fight, and shoot, but it is assumed that he was taught by Jody, as in The Alamo, he states: "Being taught how to fight by the man who killed your dad sure does make you pay attention". He uses the word for all sorts of situations, from ordering a Ku Klux Klan member to 'sh!t himself' to calling in on a radio phone-in show and ordering the guests to tell America what is it they really want.

Tulip O'Hare

Tulip O'Hare Jesse Custer's romantic interest, and a trained marksman of exceptional skill. Her mother dies during childbirth, and she is raised by her father, Jake O'Hare, who raises her much like a son by introducing her to firearms, hunting, fishing, and war stories. Jake dies during a hunting accident, and she is sent off to boarding school. She befriends the wealthiest girl at the school, Amy Grinderbinder, who remains her friend throughout college. The two drop out after Amy gains a large inheritance, and Tulip meets Jesse while waiting for Amy at a bar. The two fall in love very quickly, though Jesse is eventually forced to leave. She falls into depression and other troubles, she eventually meets Cassidy, and the two eventually find Jesse.

They are later captured by Jesse's grandmother, Marie, and Jesse reveals his past to Tulip, which causes her to fully forgive Jesse. Seconds after, she is killed under Marie's orders. God soon revives her to warn Jesse that more misfortune awaits him if he continues with his quest. After killing a wounded T.C. and leaving Marie to die, Tulip and Jesse are reunited. After becoming involved with the Grail, she believes Jesse to be dead, falls into a serious depression, and becomes involved with Cassidy while under the constant influence of drugs and alcohol. She asks Cassidy if Jesse said anything before he fell out of the plane to which Cassidy lies and says no. After months of the drug induced hell Cassidy puts her through, she eventually leaves him after a moment of clarity by shooting him through the chest out into the sun. She then heads to New York with her closest friend Amy. There she learns that Jesse is alive and is headed right where she is. Once they find each other and reconcile, they begin to travel together again. Jesse makes his final plan to rid himself of Genesis. Before doing so he drugs Tulip so she sleeps through the whole ordeal and leaves her a note explaining his action and a key to a locker with a small fortune attached to it. Skeeter wakes her up and she reads the note so enraged she follows him to the Alamo, where she kills Starr after he kills Jesse. She goes to pick up the money from the locker where the revived Jesse finds her. Still very angry she explains that she cannot be with Jesse after the Alamo because it shows that Jesse doesn't trust her and that he would never change. Stuck in traffic she finds a note that Cassidy left her explaining that he lied to her when she asked if Jesse said anything when he fall out of the plane. Jesse then steals a horse from a cop and rides after her. He wins her back when he shows emotion by crying for her proving that he is changing for her. They both ride into the sunset together with Skeeter.


Cassidy, whose full name is Proinsias Cassidy, is an Irish vampire. Cassidy joins the Irish Volunteers and takes part in the Easter Upising in 1916, though his brother William (Billy) also joins to keep watch over him. He eventually forces Cassidy to desert the army because of its impending failure, and Cassidy is soon bitten by a "hag", who seemingly leaves fatal injuries. His body falls into the water, and he soon learns that he is not succumbing to the injuries and that the sun burns his skin. He decides to travel to America, so his family and other soldiers will believe that he is dead. He lives in America, picks up alcohol and drug problems, going as far as prostituting himself for drugs, and begins to wear sunglasses to hide his natural identity. This eventually escalates into the need to hide his eyes, which betray 70 years of substance abuse.

He eventually meets Tulip O'Hare and Jesse Custer. Cassidy forms a strong friendship with Jesse, and eventually falls in love with Tulip, though she does not reciprocate the feelings. He constantly struggles with his addictions and his feelings for Tulip, though after believing Jesse to be dead, both he and Tulip take up heavy drugs and alcohol, and start a sexual relationship. After reuniting with Jesse, he is told that Jesse no longer wants anything to do with him after finding about his history, though the two agree to meet one more time. They engage in a fist fight that Jesse's skill easily allows him to dominate, while constantly berating Cassidy. When Cassidy finally accepts his failures and begins, as Jesse puts it, "acting like a man," Jesse takes Cassidy's hand in forgiveness. Cassidy proves he's worth the gesture by walking into the sunrise to atone for all he has done, burning up in the process.

Once Jesse is gunned down by the grail, it is revealed that Cassidy has made a deal with God moments before his confrontation with Jesse; he would beat Jesse to the point of surrender and allow Genesis to be destroyed. In return, God must allow both Jesse and Cassidy to live. Despite events not quite going to plan, God keeps his word. Jesse is revived and goes looking for Tulip, while Cassidy watches his first sunset in years as a human being, then drives off with a pledge to act like a man.

Cassidy has superhuman strength and speed that can easily rip regular humans apart, though he is not very good at fighting, allowing Jesse to easily beat him without taking any damage. Cassidy can survive any physical wound, including decapitation, although he feels the full pain associated with the injury. He can heal superhumanly fast, and drinking blood allows him to accelerate the process. The only thing that can kill him is being directly in sunlight for a period of time, though he can stand indirect exposure with discomfort. Although Cassidy needs blood to sustain himself, he does not need human or even fresh blood, preferring instead the taste of beer or whiskey. He generally drinks blood from live humans only if they threaten him.

Herr Starr

Herr Starr is a former German special forces soldier and a member of The Grail. He starred in his own one-shot, Preacher: One Man's War. During his school years, a group of bullies target him because he is the son of a British serviceman. This eventually leads to an attack where they give a "A star for Starr" by using a broken bottle to carve five jagged lines around his right eye. He loses the sight in that eye, and the stress of the event causes his hair to fall out and his voice to become harsh and grating due to his screams during the incident. He eventually becomes dedicated to creating order in the world, starting by killing his attackers. All five die before Starr turns ten. He later joins the German anti-terrorism unit GSG 9, and excels in everything and showing initiative crucial to his future employment when he defeats his close-combat tutor (a sadist who enjoys beating up new recruits) by shooting him in the kneecaps. As a result, he is not as skilled at unarmed combat as other Grail operatives, although his explanation for this is that he has "no intention of being unarmed".

Starr is recruited by the Grail and quickly rises in the ranks, eventually becoming Sacred Executioner, second only to the Grail's leader. He eventually decides that Grail's motives are idiotic due to planning everything around the deformed and inbred Messiah. When he hears of Jesse Custer and his power of "the Word", Starr decides that Custer is the perfect candidate for an alternative Messiah and plans to use Custer in his scheme to overthrow the Grail's leadership. He eventually murders his way to the position of Allfather. He comes to regret his actions because of various injuries so he kills the rest of Grail Council.

As the story progresses he slowly descends deeper into rage and insanity (even shooting a report by agent Hoover due to incorrect use of grammar and quotation marks) and he amasses a personal army to kill Custer, whom he views as the cause of all his ills. He is killed by Tulip during the battle between Cassidy and Custer.

Throughout the course of the series, Starr obtains various humiliating injuries (which also serve a comedic purpose). He is raped by a large male prostitute. He has his ear shot off by Tulip, and Jesse cuts a gash across Starr's head, making it resemble a penis (he spends the rest of the series hiding the scar with a Panama hat). He is captured by three inbred hillbillies who eat his right leg. He manages to kill them. After he kills a Grail member close to figuring out his plot, the man's Rottweiler chews off his genitalia. Throughout all these injuries, his only comment after they have occurred is "Sh!t." During his final confrontation, he has a bullet shot through his chin that blows the top of his head off, uttering a final, disgusted "Sh!t" before collapsing dead.

Saint of Killers

The Saint of Killers is the Patron Saint of Slaughter and Assassination. He is the subject of his own four-issue miniseries, Preacher: Saint of Killers, which was later collected in Preacher Vol. 4: Ancient History. He is originally a soldier serving in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War; both respected and feared for being absolutely merciless on the battlefield, his bloodlust verging on that of a berserker frenzy. After the war, he makes his living in the American West by collecting Native scalps and bounty hunting, until rescuing a young woman. She manages to break through to his gentler side, and the two fall in love and have a daughter. When his wife and child falls ill, he attempts to fetch a doctor, but is delayed by a gang of outlaws, which results in his family's death. He subsequently slaughters much of the gang, kills an innocent hostage, and runs out of bullets before killing the leader, which leads to his death.

Death takes him, and, because of the innocent life he took, his soul is consigned to perdition. His own hatred causes Hell to literally freeze over (much to the Devil's wrath), which forces the Angel of Death to allow him to return to Earth under the condition that he takes up his role of collecting souls of those who die by violence. The man is then dubbed the Saint of Killers by the Devil while the Angel of Death fashions his sword into two guns. The Saint returns to Earth after killing the Devil for insulting him, leaving the fate of Hell unknown. He kills the rest of the bandits and purges the town of Ratwater simply due to his nature, and rests at a tomb on Boot Hill while his spirit gathers souls that die by violence. He is awakened once Genesis merges with Custer, and begins to pursue him. He eventually learns that he has no one commanding him, God having left heaven, though he continues to hunt Custer because he was scorned. He spares Custer after he learns that God killed his family to arrange his position, and now seeks to kill God. The two join forces, and after Custer lets himself be killed to kill Genesis, God returns to Heaven, where the Saint has slaughtered all of the angels. Despite God's attempts to intimidate the Saint with His wrath and then offering to restore his family to life, the Saint guns Him down. With no one left to kill anymore, the Saint sits upon God's Throne and returns to sleep forever.

The Saint of Killers is completely impervious to harm. Bullets bounce off him, a direct hit from a tank doesn't affect him, being underneath a collapsing mountain simply means digging himself out, and being hit in the chest with a nuclear missile causes no damage to him or his clothes. He can easily knock away tanks with a simple kick and he can be hit by a speeding truck without flinching. He is an expert marksman able to draw his guns at superhuman speeds. He possesses a pair of Walker Colt revolvers fashioned from the Angel of Death's sword. They possess unlimited ammunition, never jamming or needing to be reloaded. They always hit their mark, even piercing modern tank armor to reach the intended target, and always inflict fatal injuries or death regardless of circumstance or nature of the victim (including angels and demons). Even God and the Devil are not immune to the bullets, considering that the Saint has killed them both (the only being ever to have survived being shot by the Saint was Cassidy, but Garth Ennis later admitted that he was still working out the character of the Saint at that point and was a technical mistake). Anyone holding one of the guns can see the spirits of the many people that the Saint has personally killed.


Arseface is a boy, who having grown up in an abusive household, attempts to kill himself after being pushed to the edge by his father. He received his own single-issue comic book, Preacher: The Story of You-Know-Who. His father is a severe redneck racist, who often beats him for the most trivial things. He and his friend, "Pube", are regarded as outcasts due to their idol worship of Kurt Cobain, as well as his being a sheriff’s son, leading to them being the target of bullying tactics. After a severe beating by his father, and learning of Cobain's suicide, the two make a suicide pact, though only Pube kills himself, while Arseface places the shotgun under his chin, which severely deforms his face instead of killing him.

During his father’s investigation in the Jesse Custer case, the boy stows away in his father's car. During a confrontation with Jesse and the Saint of Killers, the boy pleads for the Saint to let his father live. Cassidy remarks that the boy’s face looked like an “arse.” After Jesse forces his father to maim himself, he commits suicide, which leads the boy to name himself Arseface and begin a manhunt for Jesse. Arseface eventually tracks down Jesse outside of a diner, where Jesse reminds Arseface about his father's true nature. He travels with Jesse until he is called on stage during Mardi Gras because of his looks, and ends up becoming a singing hit (despite being unintelligible). Under the guidance of his manager, Gene Sergeant, Arseface becomes a national singing superstar, and Sergent uses various controversies, such as forced suicides and insulting the Pope to keep him popular. At the height of the controversies, Sergeant takes all of his money and leaves.

Arseface, now broke, travels the country once again. His travels eventually lead him to the town of Salvation, Texas, where he encounters people bullying Lorrie Bobbs. He drives off her tormentors. The two fall in love due to Lorrie's visual disorder causing her to see Arseface as handsome. She and Arseface stay in Salvation, and Arseface lands a job shoveling manure. Arseface also befriends Custer's one-armed mother, who has a maternal interest in Lorrie.

Minor characters

Billy Bob and Lorie Bobbs

Billy Bob Bobbs is Jesse Custer's childhood friend during his time spent on the L'Angelle estate. Billy Bob comes from a poor, severely inbred family living in the swamp, and expects to follow the family tradition of marrying his sister. Both Billy Bob and Lorie share a deformity, a bare patch of skin where the left eye should be located. When Billy Bob happens upon T.C. raping a chicken in the barn, T.C. murders him by slitting his throat. Jesse attacks T.C. and calls him a f___er, which results in his grandmother sentencing him to be trapped in the box under the lake. When Jesse is released and goes to the Bobbs home to tell them about Billy Bob's death and apologize, they angrily reject him.

Lorie Bobbs, Billy Bob's sister, finds her way to the town of Salvation, where she works in the town bar. Her inbreeding also results in a strange form of schizophrenic delusion, where she sometimes sees one object as something else, although this doesn't seem to affect her life negatively. When Jesse arrives in the town, he protects her from an attack by drunken workers from Odin Quincannon's meat-processing plant. She eventually falls in love with Arseface, who she sees as very attractive due to her delusions, after he saves her from being harassed.

Christina Custer

Christina Custer is Jesse Custer's mother. She meets John Custer, a marine recently returned from Vietnam, as an anti-war protester. She spits in his face, but later apologizes, leading to a relationship. They are forced to marry by Christina's mother and told never to leave under the threat of death. During an attempt to escape, John is shot to death by Christina's brother Jody. She later protests the punishment of Jesse, which leads to Marie ordering Jody to shoot her. She manages to escape, though her skull is cracked open by a reflexive shot and she loses her left arm to an alligator. She is rescued by hunters, though she is brain damaged, which leaves her in a persistent vegetative state for many years. She later recovers, though she has amnesia and believes her name is "Jodie". She makes her way back to Salvation, recovers her memories slowly, and eventually remembers everything after Jesse says "Mom".

Allfather D'Aronique

Allfather D'Aronique is the leader of the Grail organization, being the 112th to hold the title, and Jesse Custer's distant uncle. He is barely mobile because of his extreme weight, which requires to be carried about by retainers. D'Aronique is also bulimic, and uses an ivory stick in the shape of two fingers to induce vomiting. Because his subordinates are all too loyal or afraid of him to question anything he does, he has no compunction about messily gorging himself with food and then vomiting all over himself in front of others. Despite his seemingly hapless appearance, D'Aronique is both highly intelligent and absolutely ruthless, albeit very pious and fully believing in the cause of The Grail and the potential of the messiah. D'Aronique's motivations can be summarised by a two-frame reference between Starr and his subordinate Marseilles:

Marseilles: God, he disgusts me. What do you suppose he's thinking about?

Starr: His favourite subjects - mass murder and big pies.

He requires multiple world leaders to call him daily and thank him for preserving their power. He is killed during a coup d'état of The Grail when he is pushed out his helicopter by Herr Starr.

Jesus DeSade

Jesus DeSade is a millionaire hedonist who believes in pursuing every sexual fantasy, no matter how perverted. He engages in activities such as drug dealing, zoophilia, and child pornography. DeSade is also known for throwing wildly hedonistic parties for Hollywood's elite, where literally no fetish or sexual perversion is left unpursued. Jesse and his friends crash one of the parties. After rescuing a child from a pornographic film, Jesse beats DeSade savagely, telling him that he will be waiting when DeSade gets out of jail.

The Duke

"The Duke" is Jesse Custer's imaginary friend, appearing to him shortly after the death of his parents. He has the mannerisms and speech pattern of John Wayne. Wayne is still alive when the Duke first appears to Custer. He stays with him off and on throughout his life. He offers companionship when Jesse is being punished in coffin. He abandons Jesse when he falls in lockstep to his evil grandmother's wishes. He provides encouragement at other times. At times, the Duke provides information that Jesse could not have known himself and acts as a deus ex machina of sorts in order to advance the plotline. When Jesse goes to confront Cassidy at the Alamo during the last book of the series, the Duke tells Jesse that he's proud of him and disappears.


The Genesis entity is the result of the mating of an angel and a demon. It has the appearance of a comet with the face of a crying infant and it possesses all of the memories of heaven and hell. Immediately after Genesis' birth, God leaves heaven, leaving the Seraphi angels in command. Soon after, Genesis escapes and bonds itself to Custer, leading the Adephi angels to appoint the Saint of Killers to retrieve it. Genesis is ultimately killed when Custer is killed at the Alamo.


Jody is Ms. L'Angelle's most trusted enforcer, often paired with T.C. for missions. Jesse calls him "the leading expert on f___ing people over before they can f___ him". He has a gift for machines, and having spent his teen years on the Llano, he has a deep knowledge of cattle. Massively muscled, he can send a man flying with one punch, and he has an incredible tolerance for pain and injury, being able to take a nailed plank of wood to the face without wincing, and able to remain foul-mouthed, and direct whilst on fire. Jody believes that he does Jesse the favor of toughening him up with his pattern of abuse, calling him a crybaby directly after shooting Jesse's father, nailing Jesse's beloved dog to the farmyard fence, and weighting down Jesse's "coffin" with his best friend. Jesse finally kills Jody during a fistfight on the L'Angelle ranch, in which it appears that Jesse breaks his spine. Jody does appear to care for Jesse, as he fixes the bones which he broke, although he does seem to resent the fact that Marie cares more for Jesse than she does for Jody. Jody's last words are "Prouda you, boy," before Jesse strangles him.

Marie L'Angelle

Marie L'Angelle is the wheelchair-bound grandmother of Jesse Custer. She is a cold-blooded woman, who takes any counter-measures for her designs to work, such as threatening the death of John Custer should he ever try to leave Angelville. She punishes family members by sealing them in the "coffin", a sealed, weighted-down coffin with an air tube put in the bottom of the swamp, without food or water, to stir and crawl within their own urine and feces for up to a month. She wants Jesse to become a minister, and punishes him with the coffin often. She later sends Jody and T.C. to find Jesse after he escapes, and later makes a pact with God to kill Tulip to assert control over Jesse, though God brings her back, which leads to her killing T.C. and setting the house on fire. Marie is killed when the flames hit her oxygen tank and her corpse is blown out of the house.

The Messiah

The Messiah is the last descendant of Jesus Christ, under the control and protection of the Grail. According to the history of the Grail, Jesus Christ did not die on the cross, but married, had a family, and reached middle age before being killed by a runaway dung cart. The organization that eventually becomes the Grail takes his children and keeps them in seclusion, where they are allowed to mate only with one another, in order to preserve their holy bloodline. By the time of Allfather D'Aronique's reign, the last two descendants, a mated brother and sister, are severely inbred, ugly and mentally handicapped; only the mystic power of their bloodline makes its continuation possible at all.

When the Messiah is born, his mother is killed during the birth, and his father kills himself afterward. The Messiah is a gawky-looking, mentally handicapped, unstoppably cheerful young teenage boy who is generally allowed to run wild under D'Aronique's watch. He often uses the nonsense word "Humperdidoo" as a cheerful punctuation to his statements. Starr eventually decides that Allfather D'Aronique's plan to set up a one world government with the Messiah as its puppet ruler is madness, which leads to the Messiah being killed during the coup after D'Aronique lands on him.

Miss Oatlash

Miss Oatlash is Odin Quincannon's lawyer, who mainly uses her talents to protect his illegal operations and keep his minions out of jail. She is also a deluded Nazi apologist who idolizes Adolf Hitler and maintains that he was a peaceful man who had nothing to do with the Holocaust. She is also an amateur dominatrix who craves sex with a man who meets her standards for an Aryan ubermensch. At one point, she captures Jesse Custer, binds him, and dresses him up like Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg (Operation Valkyrie), but he easily escapes and subdues her.

Conan Quincannon

Conan Quincannon is the younger brother of Odin Quincannon. He is kind-hearted environmentalist, which is the polar opposite of everything that makes up Odin. He moves to Salvation, Texas after the destruction of his brother's meat processing plant and converts the plant to produce fertilizer from manure. He offers Arseface a job shoveling manure at the request of a smitten Lorrie Bobbs.

Odin Quincannon

Odin Quincannon is a wealthy businessman who makes his fortune from a meat-processing plant. He has near-total control over the town of Salvation. He is also an ardent member of the local branch of the Ku Klux Klan, and uses his fellow Klansmen as his hired muscle. Odin clashes with Jesse Custer many times during Jesse's tenure as sheriff of Salvation, using varied illegal activities, including murder, to attack Jesse and his allies. At one point, he threatens to destroy the entire town using carefully planted explosives. A lightning blast injures Odin, but he escapes anyway.

Jesse follows him back to his plant and tracks him down due to a trail of blood. In his private shed, Jesse sees Odin having sex with a giant, woman-shaped mannequin made out of various meat products. Jesse crushes his neck under his boot in what he describes as a "mercy killing". After his death, his brother Conan assumed control of the meat plant.

Hugo Root

Hugo Root is the mean-hearted father of Arseface and a local sheriff. Root is an alcoholic and racist who believes "Martian niggers" are the source of America's ills. The turning point in Root's life comes after his first encounter with Jesse Custer and the Saint of Killers, which leaves his deputies dead and a helicopter downed. He is ridiculed for his story and eventually seeks to find Custer. He kidnaps Tulip, which eventually leads Custer to misuse his power after telling Root to "go f___ himself". Against his will, Root maims himself, inserting his genitals into his anus. While being treated in an ambulance, he asks his son to retrieve his gunbelt. In front of paramedics and his son, Root commits suicide, which leads his son to hunt down Custer.


T.C. is one of Ms. L'Angelle's law enforcers. His primary interest is having sex with practically any creature or inanimate object he can find. T.C. is very violent, willing to kill anyone he is ordered to or anyone who gets in his way or annoys him. Ms. L'Angelle instructs Jody to make sure that TC is away from Tulip O'Hare's newly-dead body, though Tulip, revived by God, is the one who ultimately kills him by way of his own shotgun.

YurtleTricksTurtle luxxcorp@tampabay.rr.com
YurtleTricksTurtle luxxcorp@tampabay.rr.com
Adam Hughes is a comic book artist known mostly for his renditions of pinup-style female characters, and his cover work on titles such as Wonder Woman and Catwoman.


In 1987, Hughes penciled two short stories and the first issue of the character Death Hawk, created by Mark Ellis. In 1988 Hughes' work appeared in Comico's Maze Agency with co-creator/writer Mike W. Barr, and stayed on the book for one year. When Maze Agency was canceled by Comico, DC Comics offered him a job on Justice League America. He did both covers and internal renditions on that series for two years, before switching to providing covers only.

He was one of the original members of Atlanta's Gaijin Studios, his tenure lasting from 1991 until 2005. Hughes then had a short stint at Dark Horse Comics, spent working on Ghost. This series was an important run for him; this is where he started adjusting his technique, using an art nouveau influence along with Adobe Photoshop in his work.

He has also had stints on Penthouse Comix, Legionaires and PlayStation Magazine.

In 1998 he began a successful four-year run as cover artist on DC Comics Wonder Woman, which brought him critical acclaim. He had successful runs on Tomb Raider from Top Cow Comics, and wrote and illustrated the interiors of the two-issue miniseries, Gen¹³: Ordinary Heroes from Wildstorm.

When Wizards of the Coast created their d20-based Star Wars RPG, he created designs for both the original and revised core rulebooks, as well as the Star Wars: Invasion of Theed adventure game mini-RPG. When he reused his portrait of the Jedi guardian, Sia-Lan Wezz (his favorite character), for the cover of "Star Wars: Purge" as a gag, there was such editorial interest that she was written into the story as one of Darth Vader's early victims.

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